# Application Configuration `guillotina` handles configuration application customizations and extension mostly with decorators in code. This page is meant to be a reference to the available decorators and options to those decorators. ## service *`@configure.service`* * _context_: Content type interface this service is registered against. Example: IContainer: *required* * _method_: HTTP method this service works against. Default is `GET` * _permission_: Permission this service requires. Default is configure default_permission setting * _layer_: Layer this service is registered for. Default is `IDefaultLayer` * _name_: This is used as part of the uri. Example `@foobar` -> `/mycontent/@foobar`. Leave empty to be used for base uri of content -> `/mycontent`. ## content type *`@configure.contenttype`* * _type_name_: Name of the content type: *required* * _schema_: Interface schema to use for type: *required* * _add_permission_: Permission required to add content. Defaults to `guillotina.AddContent` * _allowed_types_: List of types allowed to be added inside this content assuming it is a Folder type. Defaults to allowing all types. ## behavior *`@configure.behavior`* * _title_: Name of behavior * _provides_: Interface this behavior provides * _marker_: Marker interface to apply to utilized instance's behavior * _for__: Content type this behavior is available for ## addon *`@configure.addon`* * _name_: *required* * _title_: *required* ## adapter *`@configure.adapter`* * _for__: Type or list of types this adapter adapts: *required* * _provides_: Interface this adapter provides: required * _name_: Your adapter can be named to be looked up by name * _factory_: To use without decorator syntax, this allows you to register adapter of class defined elsewhere ## subscriber *`@configure.subscriber`* * _for__: Type or list of types this subscriber is for: *required* * _handler_: A callable object that handles event, this allows you to register subscriber handler defined elsewhere * _factory_: A factory used to create the subscriber instance * _provides_: Interface this adapter provides--must be used along with factory ## utility *`@configure.utility`* * _provides_: Interface this utility provides * _name_: Name of utility * _factory_: A factory used to create the subscriber instance ## permission *`configure.permission`* * _id_ * _title_ * _description_ ## role *`configure.role`* * _id_ * _title_ * _description_ ## grant *`configure.grant`* * _role_: ID of role * _principal_: ID of principal to grant to * _permission_: ID of permission to grant * _permissions_: List of permission IDs to grant to ## grant_all *`configure.grant_all`* * _principal_: ID of principal * _role_: ID of role # Overriding Configuration `guillotina` applications can override default `guillotina` configuration. If multiple `guillotina` applications configure conflicting configurations, `guillotina` chooses the configuration according to the order the `guillotina` applications that are included.