# Narrative In these narrative docs, we'll go through creating a todo application. ## Installation ``` pip install guillotina ``` ## Generating the initial application Guillotina comes with a `cookiecutter` template for creating a base application. First, install `cookiecutter` if it isn't already installed. ``` pip install cookiecutter ``` Then, run the generate command: ``` guillotina create --template=application ``` Enter `guillotina_todo` for package_name. Then, install your package: ``` cd guillotina_todo python setup.py develop ``` ## Configuring The scaffold produces an initial `config.yaml` configuration file for you. You can inspect and customize your configuration. Most notable is the database configuration. If you want to run a development `postgresql` server, the scaffold ships with a `Makefile` that provides a command to run a postgresql docker: `make run-postgres`. ## Creating to do type Types consist of an interface (schema) using the excellent `zope.interface` package and a class that uses that interface. Create a `content.py` file with the following: ```python from guillotina import configure from guillotina import schema from guillotina import Interface from guillotina import interfaces from guillotina import content class IToDo(interfaces.IItem): text = schema.Text() @configure.contenttype( type_name="ToDo", schema=IToDo) class ToDo(content.Item): """ Our ToDo type """ ``` Then, we want to make sure our content type configuration is getting loaded, so add this to your `__init__.py` `includeme` function: ```python configure.scan('guillotina_todo.content') ``` ## Running You run you application by using the guillotina command runner again: ``` guillotina serve -c config.yaml ``` ## Creating your todo list Create container first: ``` curl -X POST --user root:root \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "@type": "Container", "title": "ToDo List", "id": "todo", "description": "My todo list" }' "" ``` Install your todo list application: ``` curl -X POST \ --user root:root \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "id": "guillotina_todo" }' "" ``` Add todo items: ``` curl -X POST \ --user root:root \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "@type": "ToDo", "text": "Get milk" }' "" ``` ``` curl -X POST \ --user root:root \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "@type": "ToDo", "text": "Do laundry" }' "" ``` Get a list of todo items: ``` curl -H "Accept: application/json" --user root:root "" ```