Serialize content

Guillotina provides default serializations for content. It provides mechanisms for giving full content serialization of interfaces and behaviors as well as summary serializations that show in listings.

For customize a serialization for a type, you need to provide a multi adapter for the IResourceSerializeToJsonSummary or IResourceSerializeToJson interfaces.

For our use-case, we want to make sure to include the creation_date and some other data in the summary serialization of conversations and messages so we can get all the info we need for our application without doing full objet serialization.

Defining a custom serialization

Let's define these serializers in a in a file named

from guillotina import configure
from guillotina.interfaces import IResourceSerializeToJsonSummary
from guillotina.json.serialize_content import DefaultJSONSummarySerializer
from guillotina.utils import get_owners
from guillotina_chat.content import IConversation, IMessage
from zope.interface import Interface

    for_=(IConversation, Interface),
class ConversationJSONSummarySerializer(DefaultJSONSummarySerializer):
    async def __call__(self):
        data = await super().__call__()
            'creation_date': self.context.creation_date,
            'title': self.context.title,
            'users': self.context.users
        return data

    for_=(IMessage, Interface),
class MessageJSONSummarySerializer(DefaultJSONSummarySerializer):
    async def __call__(self):
        data = await super().__call__()
            'creation_date': self.context.creation_date,
            'text': self.context.text,
            'author': get_owners(self.context)[0]
        return data

And make sure to add the scan.
