
Applications are used to provide additional functionality to guillotina.

Community Addons

Some useful addons to use in your own development:


An application is a Python package that implements an entry point to tell guillotina to load it.

If you're not familiar with how to build Python applications, please read documentation on building packages before you continue.

In this example, guillotina_myaddon is your package module.


Your config.yaml file will need to provide the application name in the applications array for it to be initialized.

    - guillotina_myaddon


Once you create a guillotina application, there are two primary ways for it to hook into guillotina.

Call the includeme function

Your application can provide an includeme function at the root of the module and guillotina will call it with the instance of the root object.

def includeme(root):
  # do initialization here...

Load app_settings

If an app_settings dict is provided at the module root, it will automatically merge the global guillotina app_settings with the module's. This allows you to provide custom configuration.