
There are three kinds of objects that are considered on the system:

  • Tree objects: objects are resources that implement guillotina.interfaces.IResource. This object has a __name__ and a __parent__ property that indicate the id on the tree and the link to the parent. By themselves they don't have access totheir children, they need to interact with the transaction object to get them.
  • Nested: objects that are linked at some attribute inside the Tree object, this object are serialized with the main object and may lead to conflicts if there are lots of this kind of objects. It can belong to a field that is an object
  • Annotations: objects that are associated with tree objects. These can be any type of data. In Guillotina, the main source of annotation objects are behaviors.

Saving objects

If you're manually modifying objects in services(or views) without using the serialization adapters, you need to register the object to be saved to the database. To do this, just use the _p_register() method.

    method='PATCH', name='@dosomething')
async def matching_service(context, request):
    context.foobar = 'foobar'


Guillotina automatically manages transactions for you in services; however, if you have long running services and need to flush data to the database, you can manually manage transactions as well.

from guillotina.transactions import get_tm

tm = get_tm()
await tm.commit()  # commit current transaction
await tm.begin()  # start new one

There is also an async context manager:

from guillotina.transactions import managed_transaction

async with managed_transaction() as txn:
    # modify objects