
How to quickly get started using guillotina.

This tutorial will assume usage of virtualenv. You can use your own preferred tool for managing your python environment.

This tutorial assumes you have postgresql running

Setup the environment:

virtualenv .

Install guillotina:

./bin/pip install guillotina

Generate configuration file (requires cookiecutter):

./bin/pip install cookiecutter
./bin/g create --template=configuration

Finally, run the server:


The server should now be running on

Then, use Postman, curl or whatever tool you prefer to interact with the REST API.

Modify the configuration in config.yaml to customize server setttings.

Postgresql installation instructions

If you do not have a postgresql database server installed, you can use docker to get one running quickly.

Example docker run command:

docker run -e POSTGRES_DB=guillotina -e POSTGRES_USER=guillotina -p postgres:9.6

Creating a container

Guillotina containers are the building block of all other content. A container is where you place all other content for your application. Only containers can be created inside databases.

Let's create one:

  curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" --user root:root -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "@type": "Container",
    "title": "Guillotina 1",
    "id": "guillotina",
    "description": "Description"
  }' ""

and create content inside the container:

  curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" --user root:root -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "@type": "Item",
    "title": "News",
    "id": "news"
  }' ""