# Design This section is meant to explain and defend the design of `guillotina`. ## JavaScript application development focus One of the main driving factors behind the development of `guillotina` is to streamline the development of custom web applications. Some of the technologies we support in order to be a great web application development platform are: - Everything is an API endpoint - JWT - Web sockets - Configuration is done with JSON - URL to object-tree data model ## Speed A primary focus of `guillotina` is speed. We take shortcuts and may use some ugly or less-well conceptually architected solutions in some areas in order to gain speed improvements. Some of the decisions we made affect how applications and addons are designed. Mainly, we try to stay light on the amount of data we're loading from the database where possible and we try to lower the number of lookups we do in certain scenarios. That being said, `guillotina` is not a barebones framework. It provides a lot of functionality so it will never be as fast as say Pyramid. "There are no solutions. There are only trade-offs." - Thomas Sowell ## Asynchronous `guillotina` is asynchronous from the ground up, built on top of `aiohttp` using Python 3.6's asyncio features. Practically speaking, being built completely on asyncio compatible technologies, `guillotina` does not block for network IO to the database, index catalog, redis, etc or whatever you've integrated. Additionally, we have support for async utilities that run in the same async loop and async content events. Finally, we also support web sockets OOTB. ## Security `Guillotina` uses the same great security infrastructure that Plone has been using for the last 15 years which allows you to define permissions, roles, groups, users and customize all of them contextually based on where the content is located in your container. ## Style Stylistically, `guillotina` pulls ideas from the best web frameworks: - YAML/JSON configuration - Pyramid-like idioms and syntax where it makes sense - Functions + decorators over classes