# Router Guillotina uses `aiohttp` for it's webserver. In order to route requests against Guillotina's traversal url structure, Guillotina provides it's own router that does traversal: `guillotina.traversal.router`. ## How URLs are routed Guillotina's content is structured like a file system. Objects are routed to URL paths. HTTP verbs are provided against those objects on those paths. Additional services(or views depending on terminology) are provided with URL path parts that start with `@`, for example, the `@move` endpoint. ## Route matching With Guillotina, you can also route custom sub paths off a registered service. Guillotina is primarily for routing objects to urls; however, this feature is used to provide additional parameters to the service. An example of where this is used is for file services: `/db/container/item/@upload/file`. ### Registering custom route parts ```python from guillotina import configure @configure.service( method='GET', permission='guillotina.AccessContent', name='@match/{foo}/{bar}') async def matching_service(context, request): return request.matchdict # will return {'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar'} ``` Some caveats need to be considered when mixing in routing: - matches are only done when traversal misses - there are limits to the variability of the route scheme you use. For example `@foobar/{one}/{two}` and `@foobar/one/two` will be converted into the same service registration; however, the former will match against variable paths and the later will only match `@foobar/one/two`. So you might run into restrictions quickly if you're trying to do complex routing. ## Providing your own router Guillotina allows you to provide your own customized router using the `router` settings. Here is an example router that provides `/v1` and `/v2` type url structure: ```python from guillotina import configure from guillotina.content import Resource from guillotina.interfaces import IContainer from guillotina.interfaces import IDefaultLayer from guillotina.interfaces import IRequest from guillotina.interfaces import IResource from guillotina.traversal import TraversalRouter from guillotina.traversal import traverse from zope.interface import alsoProvides class IV1Layer(IDefaultLayer): pass class IV2Layer(IDefaultLayer): pass @configure.service(method='GET', name='@foobar', permission='guillotina.AccessContent', layer=IV1Layer) async def v1_service(context, request): return { 'version': '1' } @configure.service(method='GET', name='@foobar', permission='guillotina.AccessContent', layer=IV2Layer) async def v2_service(context, request): return { 'version': '2' } @configure.contenttype(type_name="VersionRouteSegment") class VersionRouteSegment(Resource): type_name = 'VersionRouteSegment' def __init__(self, name, parent): super().__init__() self.__name__ = self.id = name self.__parent__ = parent class MyRouter(TraversalRouter): async def traverse(self, request: IRequest) -> IResource: resource, tail = await super().traverse(request) if len(tail) > 0 and tail[0] in ('v1', 'v2') and IContainer.providedBy(resource): segment = VersionRouteSegment(tail[0], resource) if tail[0] == 'v1': alsoProvides(request, IV1Layer) elif tail[0] == 'v2': alsoProvides(request, IV2Layer) if len(tail) > 1: # finish traversal from here return await traverse(request, segment, tail[1:]) else: resource = segment tail = tail[1:] return resource, tail app_settings = { # provide custom application settings here... 'router': MyRouter } ```