
You can provide your own CLI commands for guillotina through a simple interface.

Available commands

  • serve: run the HTTP REST API server (this is the default command if none given)
  • shell: drop into a shell with root object to manually work with
  • create: use cookiecutter to generate guillotina applications
  • initialize-db: databases are automatically initialized; however, you can use this command to manually do it
  • testdata: populate the database with test data from wikipedia
  • run: run a python script. The file must have a function async def run(container):
  • gen-key: generate cryptographic key for jwt, jwk
  • dbvacuum: run optimized vacuuming process to clean up deleted objects

Command Options

    • --config: path to configuration file. defaults to config.(yaml|json)
    • --profile: profile Guillotina while it’s running
    • --profile-output: where to save profiling output
    • --monitor: run with aiomonitor requires aiomonitor
    • --line-profiler: use line_profiler requires line_profiler
    • --line-profiler-matcher: fnmatch of module/function to profile requires line_profiler
    • --line-profiler-output: to store output in a file requires line_profiler
    • --override: Override configuration values, Example: --override="root_user.password=foobar"
  • serve:

    • --host: host to bind to
    • --port: port to bind to
    • --reload: auto reload on code changes. requires aiohttp_autoreload
  • shell

  • create

    • --template: name of template to use
    • --overwrite: overwrite existing file
    • --output: where to save the file
  • initialize-db

  • testdata

    • --per-node: How many items to import per node
    • --depth: How deep to make the nodes
  • run

    • --script: path to script to run with run async function

Running commands

Guillotina provides two binaries to run commands through, bin/guillotina and a shortcut, bin/g.

To run a command, it’s just a positional argument on the running command::

bin/g shell

Creating commands

guillotina provides a simple API to write your own CLI commands.

Here is a minimalistic example:

from guillotina.commands import Command
class MyCommand(Command):

    def get_parser(self):
        parser = super(MyCommand, self).get_parser()
        # add command arguments here...
        return parser

    def run(self, arguments, settings, app):

Then, just add your command to your application’s app_settings in the

app_settings = {
    "commands": {
        "mycommand": "my.package.commands.MyCommand"

Overridding configuration

First off, you can use the --override setting for all commands to provide setting overrides in files. For example, --override="root_user.password=foobar".

Additionally, you can override configuration with environment variables. To override the root password like above, you would do: G_root_user__password=foobar.

You can also override json data structures as well:

export G_cors__allow_origin='["http://localhost:8080"]'

Use the double underscore(__) to designate nested json structure to assign values.