# Applications Applications are used to provide additional functionality to guillotina. ## Core addons - `guillotina.contrib.swagger`: Activate swagger support at `/@docs`. - `guillotina.contrib.catalog.pg`: Provide search functionality with postgresql queries. - `guillotina.contrib.cache`: Cache support for guillotina. - `guillotina.contrib.redis`: Cache support for guillotina using redis with invalidation across multiple instances. - `guillotina.contrib.pubsub`: Pubsub support for guillotina - `guillotina.contrib.mailer`: Send email with guillotina ## Community Addons Some useful addons to use in your own development: - [guillotina_elasticsearch](https://github.com/guillotinaweb/guillotina_elasticsearch/): Index content in elastic search - [guillotina_dbusers](https://github.com/guillotinaweb/guillotina_dbusers): Store and authenticate users in the database ## Creating An application is a Python package that implements an entry point to tell guillotina to load it. If you're not familiar with how to build Python applications, please [read documentation on building packages](https://python-packaging.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) before you continue. In this example, `guillotina_myaddon` is your package module. ## Initialization Your `config.yaml` file will need to provide the application name in the `applications` array for it to be initialized. ```yaml applications: - guillotina_myaddon ``` ## Configuration Once you create a `guillotina` application, there are two primary ways for it to hook into `guillotina`. ### Call the `includeme` function Your application can provide an `includeme` function at the root of the module and `guillotina` will call it with the instance of the `root` object. ```python def includeme(root): # do initialization here... pass ``` ### Load `app_settings` If an `app_settings` dict is provided at the module root, it will automatically merge the global `guillotina` `app_settings` with the module's. This allows you to provide custom configuration.