Container ========= .. ignored http call below to make sure we have a container .. http:gapi:: :hidden: :path: /db :path_spec: /(db) :method: POST :basic_auth: root:root :headers: Content-Type: application/json :body: {"@type": "Container", "id": "container"} .. http:gapi:: :path_spec: /(db)/(container) :path: /db/container :basic_auth: root:root Types ----- .. http:gapi:: :path_spec: /(db)/(container)/@types :path: /db/container/@types :basic_auth: root:root .. http:gapi:: :path_spec: /(db)/(container)/@types/(type_name) :path: /db/container/@types/Item :basic_auth: root:root User ---- .. http:gapi:: :path_spec: /(db)/(container)/@user :path: /db/container/@user :basic_auth: root:root Registry -------- .. http:gapi:: :path_spec: /(db)/(container)/@registry :path: /db/container/@registry :basic_auth: root:root .. http:gapi:: :path_spec: /(db)/(container)/@registry :method: POST :path: /db/container/@registry :basic_auth: root:root :body: {"interface": "guillotina.documentation.IRegistryData"} .. http:gapi:: :path_spec: /(db)/(container)/@registry/(key) :method: PATCH :path: /db/container/@registry/guillotina.documentation.IRegistryData.foobar :basic_auth: root:root :body: {"value": "something"} .. http:gapi:: :path_spec: /(db)/(container)/@registry/(key) :path: /db/container/@registry/guillotina.documentation.IRegistryData.foobar :basic_auth: root:root Addons ------ .. http:gapi:: :path_spec: /(db)/(container)/@addons :path: /db/container/@addons :basic_auth: root:root .. http:gapi:: :path_spec: /(db)/(container)/@addons :path: /db/container/@addons :method: POST :basic_auth: root:root :body: {"id": "docaddon"} .. http:gapi:: :path_spec: /(db)/(container)/@addons :path: /db/container/@addons :method: DELETE :basic_auth: root:root :body: {"id": "docaddon"} Dynamic Fields -------------- Dynamic fields are done with the `IDynamicFields` behavior so first we add the behavior. .. http:gapi:: :path_spec: /(db)/(container)/@behaviors :path: /db/container/@behaviors :method: PATCH :basic_auth: root:root :body: {"behavior": "guillotina.behaviors.dynamic.IDynamicFields"} Then, we can add a field. .. http:gapi:: :path_spec: /(db)/(container) :path: /db/container :method: PATCH :basic_auth: root:root :body: { "guillotina.behaviors.dynamic.IDynamicFields": { "fields": { "foobar": { "title": "Hello field", "type": "text" } } }} To inspect the dynamic fields available on content .. http:gapi:: :path_spec: /(db)/(container)/@dynamic-fields :path: /db/container/@dynamic-fields :method: GET :basic_auth: root:root Update dynamic field values .. http:gapi:: :path_spec: /(db)/(container)/(id) :path: /db/container :method: POST :basic_auth: root:root :body: { "@type": "Item", "id": "foobar-fields", "@behaviors": ["guillotina.behaviors.dynamic.IDynamicFieldValues"]} .. http:gapi:: :path_spec: /(db)/(container)/(id) :path: /db/container/foobar-fields :method: PATCH :basic_auth: root:root :body: { "guillotina.behaviors.dynamic.IDynamicFieldValues": { "values": { "op": "update", "value": [{ "key": "foobar", "value": "value" }] } } } .. http:gapi:: :path_spec: /(db)/(container)/(id) :path: /db/container/foobar-fields?include=guillotina.behaviors.dynamic.IDynamicFieldValues :method: GET :basic_auth: root:root Search ------ (Requires `` application activated with PostgreSQL) The `@search` endpoint accepts both `POST` and `GET` requests. The default search parser and query syntax is flat and does not support nested queries. `POST` works with a json body while `GET` works on query params. Supported params: - `[term]`: Generic search term support. See modifier list below for usage. - `_from`: start from a point in search results - `_size`: How large of result set. Max of 50. - `_sort_asc`: How ascending field - `_sort_des`: How descending field - `_metadata`: list of metadata fields to include - `_metadata_not`: list of metadata fields to exclude - `__eq`: also the default functionality - `__not` - `__gt` - `__gte` - `__lte` - `__lt` - `__in` - `__and`: nested AND queries - `__or`: nested OR queries .. http:gapi:: :path_spec: /(db)/(container)/@search :path: /db/container/@search :method: POST :basic_auth: root:root :body: { "type_name": "Item", "_from": 10, "_size": 5, "modification_date__gt": "2019-06-15T18:37:31.008359+00:00", "_sort_asc": "modification_date", "_metadata": "title,description" }