
Services are synonymous with what other frameworks might call endpoints or views.

For the sake of our application, let’s use services for getting a user’s most recent conversations and messages for a conversation.

Creating the services

We’ll name our endpoints @conversations and @messages and put them in a file named

from guillotina import configure
from guillotina.component import get_multi_adapter
from guillotina.interfaces import IContainer, IResourceSerializeToJsonSummary
from guillotina.utils import get_authenticated_user_id
from guillotina_chat.content import IConversation

@configure.service(context=IContainer, name='@conversations',
async def get_conversations(context, request):
    results = []
    conversations = await context.async_get('conversations')
    user_id = get_authenticated_user_id()
    async for conversation in conversations.async_values():
        if user_id in getattr(conversation, 'users', []):
            summary = await get_multi_adapter(
                (conversation, request),
    results = sorted(results, key=lambda conv: conv['creation_date'])
    return results

@configure.service(context=IConversation, name='@messages',
async def get_messages(context, request):
    results = []
    async for message in context.async_values():
        summary = await get_multi_adapter(
            (message, request),
    results = sorted(results, key=lambda mes: mes['creation_date'])
    return results

And make sure to add the scan.


These endpoints manually go through the content in the database and retrieve the results for you. This is to demonstration some interaction with objects and the database with services; however, you can do the same as what is going on here with the @search endpoint.

For example:

POST @search {
    "type_name": "Conversation"


POST @search {
    "type_name": "Message"

You can take this further to query by dates and the text of the message as well.

POST @search {
    "type_name": "Message",
    "text": "foobar",
    "creation_date__gte": "2019-10-20T15:30:27.580369+00:00"