Component Architecture

Guillotina is built on a component architecture. The component architecture uses adapter and singleton software design patterns to help manage complexity. It allows users to register and lookup adapters and utility defined against interfaces.


program to an interface, not an implementation
favor object composition over class inheritance
keep objects stupid

The component architecture is a powerful tool to help you build complex software that needs to be extensible. In software engineering, adapters and singletons are used often so it is a natural pattern to build on.

Almost any component/functionality in Guillotina can be overridden in an add-on application by overriding Guillotina’s components.


To query an adapter on content:

from guillotina.component import get_adapter
from guillotina.interfaces import IResource
from zope.interface import Interface
from guillotina import configure

class IMyAdapter(Interface):

@configure.adapter(for_=IResource, provides=IMyAdapter)
class MyAdapter:
    def __init__(self, ob):
        self.ob = ob

    def do_something(self):

adapter = get_adapter(ob, IMyAdapter)

To query for a utility(which is what we call singletons), it’s similiar:

from guillotina.component import get_utility
from guillotina.interfaces import IPermission
permission = get_utility(IPermission, name='guillotina.AccessContent')


To describe power of this approach, we’ll go through using adapters without the registration and lookup and then with the component architecture.

Adapters without CA

class Automobile:
    wheels = 4

    def __init__(self):

class Motorcycle(Automobile):
    wheels = 2

class SemiTruck(Automobile):
    wheels = 18

class Operate:

    def __init__(self, automobile: Automobile):
        self.automobile = automobile

    def drive(self):

class OperateMotocycle:

    def drive(self):

class OperateSemi:

    def drive(self):

Then, to use these adapters, you might do something like:

if isinstance(auto, SemiTruck):
    operate = OperateSemi(auto)
elif isinstance(auto, Motorcycle):
    operate = OperateMotocycle(auto)
    operate = Operate(auto)

Adapters with CA

from guillotina import configure
from zope.interface import Attribute, Interface, implementer

class IAutomobile(Interface):
    wheels = Attribute('number of wheels')

class IMotocycle(IAutomobile):

class ISemiTruck(IAutomobile):

class Automobile:
    wheels = 4

class Motorcycle(Automobile):
    wheels = 2

class SemiTruck(Automobile):
    wheels = 18

class IOperate(Interface):
    def drive():

@configure.adapter(for_=IAutomobile, provides=IOperate)
class Operate:

    def __init__(self, automobile: Automobile):
        self.automobile = automobile

    def drive(self):
        return 'driving automobile'

@configure.adapter(for_=IMotocycle, provides=IOperate)
class OperateMotocycle(Operate):

    def drive(self):
        return 'driving motocycle'

@configure.adapter(for_=ISemiTruck, provides=IOperate)
class OperateSemi(Operate):

    def drive(self):
        return 'driving semi'

Then, to use it:

from guillotina.component import get_adapter
semi = SemiTruck()
operate = get_adapter(semi, IOperate)