Starting Guillotina

Once you have guillotina installed, you can easily run it with the g executable that it installs.

However, before we begin, we'll need to run a postgresql server for Guillotina to use.

docker run -e POSTGRES_DB=guillotina -e POSTGRES_USER=guillotina -p postgres:9.6


This particular docker run command produces a volatile database. Stopping and starting it again will cause you to lose any data you pushed into it.


Then, simply run the default Guillotina command g.


Which should give you output like:

$ g
Could not find the configuration file config.yaml. Using default settings.
======== Running on ========
(Press CTRL+C to quit)

The g executable allows you to potentially run a number of commands with Guillotina. The default command is serve if none provided; however, you can explicitly run it with the serve command name as well.

g serve

The serve command also takes --host and --port options to quickly change without touching configuration.

In future sections, we'll explore other commands available.

Check installation

Open up Postman and do a basic GET against http://localhost:8080 with basic auth credentials for root user and root password.

Also, do a GET on http://localhost:8080/db.

Congratulations! You have Guillotina running!

Useful run options

  • --reload: auto reload on code changes. requires aiohttp_autoreload
  • --profile: profile Guillotina while it's running
  • --profile-output: where to save profiling output
  • --monitor: run with aiomonitor. requires aiomonitor
