
You may have wondered how running g command without any configuration and options knew to connect and configure the database. Well, it's only because we provide default settings in our application and documentation to make that step easy.

In this section, we'll talk about working with the Guillotina configuration system.

Getting started

Guillotina provides a command to bootstrap a configuration file for you.

g create --template=configuration

This will produce a config.yaml file in your current path. Inspect the file to see what some of the default configuration options are.

Modifying configuration

A detailed list of configuration options and explanations can be found in the configuration section of the docs.


Guillotina also supports JSON configuration files

Configuration file

To specify a configuration file other than the name config.yaml, you can use the -c or --config command line option.

g -c config-foobar.yaml

Installing applications

Guillotina applications are python packages that you install and then configure in your application settings.

For an example, we'll go through installing swagger support.

pip install guillotina_swagger

Then, add this to your config.yaml file.

- guillotina_swagger

Finally, start Guillotina again and visit http://localhost:8080/@docs.
